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Nature Transformation Wisdom School

This is the first of a new series of offerings based on teachings I received from Mikao Usui: The Nature Transformation Wisdom School.

Stop Over-Giving and Start Being True to You so Everyone Wins....

Do you spend so much time helping others that you don’t have time for yourself?

Have you set aside your own dreams to take care of others’?

Have you put others first for so long, you’re not even sure what you want?

You’re not alone!

As women, we’ve been taught that we must care for others first.
But here’s a big secret: taking care of yourself IS taking care of others!

In our session, you’ll practice this by recognizing what the truth feels like in your body.
You’ll experience how the truth creates integrity and energizes you.
You’ll learn a simple, practical way to make choices that keep you clear, strong and generous.
When you stand in your true nature, you’ll be able to communicate your desires in a way that lifts others as well.
Please join us to start taking care of yourself so everyone wins!!

Live via Zoom. Please contact me for information.